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Sistema ConceptualSistema Conceptual

Beauty is, first found, in the same cognitive structures that facilitate it


(Non-exhaustive list of the contents of this website. See also other documents in “Applications and "Proposal")

All summary of the documents in English.  Some complete English translation, in process


What causes autism? A brief reflection 2008-03-22 630 kB
Double-sheet 2001-04-12 200 kB
Brief comment (over the intrinsic symbolic structure of human thought) 1999-05-20 89 kB


El kerigma del pensament. 2007-04-12  1136 kB (=The kerygma of thought) (català)
Què és la conscienciació? 2007-09-28  2071 kB (=What is consciousnness?)  (català)
Els drets dels nens. 2008, febrer  789 kB (=Chidren's rights) (català)
L’exactitud a les ciències. 2007-03-06  504 kB  (=The exactness of sciences)  (català)
Què és la intel·ligència? 2008-02-05  394 kB (=What is intelligence?)  (català)
Universal science (pending)
Holistic theory (pending)
La memòria de l'aigua (=The memory of water [final part of "The holistic theory"]) (being translated into English)


Sistema conceptual para "no conceptuales" R. BARTOMEUS (=Conceptual system for not "conceptuals") (being translated into English) 2009-03-11 367 kB
Element nilpotent (i Sedan-coupé) 2009-01-01 143 kB (Nilpotent element [and Sedan-coupé]) (català)
Forma: un exemple del sistema conceptual 2008, novembre 700 kB (=Shape: a example of the C. S.) (català)
Demostraciones de física y química  (castellano/ español) 2000 520 kB (=Demonstrations of physical and chemical) (castellano/ español)
Proteïnes 2002-08-20 225 kB (=Structuring and classification of the proteins) (català)
Estel  2000 409 kB (=Star) (català)
Tríptic (Alguns errors bàsics/ conceptuals en l'estudi del llenguatge)
1166 kB (=Triptych [Some basic/conceptual mistakes in the study of language]) (all in català)
Introduction (1998)
Meaning and signifier. The case of Catalan (and Castilian). 1996, abril
English case: translation and comments of the figure 2.2 of the “The symbolic species: the coevolution of language, and the human brain" de Terrence W. DEACON. 1 998, abril
The use of dictionaries: “toy library”, “botanics” and “signature”. 1 998, abril
"Marketing" relacional   2003-03-31  300 kB (Relational marketing) (castellano/ español)
Kerigma (not to be confused with "El kerigma del pensament") 2001-05-07 301 kB (català)
Chronos i Kairos 2003 210 kB (català)
Cazatalentos Cercatalents 2003-03-26 1037 kB (=Head-hunter) (castellano/ español)
L’arbre de la saviesa 1995 221 kB (=The Wisdom tree)  (català)
Mi amigo Carles 1999 juliol 58 kB (=My friend Carles) (being translated into English)
Enciclopèdia Encarta 2008-02-12 2 586 kB (català)
Enciclopèdia Micronet 1999-04-02 321 kB (català)
Enciclopèdia catalana 2008-02-20 728 kB (català)
Language2 2008-01-08 236 kB (català)


Classificació i recuperació 2008-05-29 945 kB (=Classification and retrieval) (català)
Cercadors 2007-01-25 43 kB (=Search engine) (català)
Ajuts Help 2007-04-19 32 kB (=Help's programme) (català)
Conferència del “Search-congress (Barcelona 2009-01-30)” 576 kB  Annex1 (765 kB), Annex2 (3148 kB) (=Search engine congress conference) (castellano/ español)


Dualitat algebraica (extractes)
114 kB (=Algebraic duality) (català)
Sistemes. Tipologia (±M, ±S, ±N) i arbre. 272 kB (=Systems typology) (català)
Double-sheet 2001-04-12 200 kB  (english)

Memoria in extenso de la patente WO 03 054835 A2
. 2002-12-02  1332 kB (=Full report of the patent) (castellano/ español)
Les relacions del llenguatge. 1996  1442 kB (=The relationship of language) (català)
Brief comment (over the intrinsic symbolic structure of human thought). 1999-05-20  89 kB (English)
Per i per a: equívocs actuals i proposta de criteris d'utilització fàcil i inequívoca. 1998 maig  430 kB
Wolfgang ISER. 2006-08-14  62 kB (castellano/ español)
El código del lenguaje  2001, febrero 557 kB (castellano/ español)
Breve análisis a los comentarios sobre el pensamiento de EINSTEIN, NEUMAN y MARGULIS, en "Microcosmos" (=Brief analisys over the comments of thought of EINSTEN, NEUMANN and MARGULIS, in 'Microcosmos')  (castellano/ español) 1998-11-14 130 kB


Web i BERTALANFFY 2009-01-13 44 kB
(being translated into English)
What causes autism? A brief reflection 2008-03-22 630 kB (English)
WREICH 2008-06-25 93 kB (being translated into English)
The Lancet 2008-03-18 131 kB (being translated into English)
Science LESHNER 2006-04-01 632 kB (English)
Continuum LIDLOFF (pending)
Nature CAMPBELL (see above "The memory of Water") (being translated into English)

The downloads of documents on this web are FREE, but for personal/individual use onlyl. All documents are protected by the international laws on intellectual property and copyrights. Only the reproduction of sentences or a specific paragraph is allowed, but their origin (author, document source and web) must be explicitly and unequivocally mentioned. The «pdf’s» of the documents are linked and with Ancors/Destinations (to go to a specific point within the document), but you need to put them in the same directory in order for this to work. If you put them in your electronic “Pen drive” you will be able to read them at any time or in any place, as long as you have access to a computer.

(=Shape: a example of the Conceptual system)Forma.pdf700 kB 2008, novembre.

The concept of "Form" and over 200 established relationships with other concepts, is an illustrative example of the power of a conceptual system, and it also allows to differentiate "word" and "concept". The document
Element nilpotent.pdf” (=Nilpotent element) in this Website, complements this document.

(=Nilpotent element and Sedan-coupé) "Elementnilpotent.pdf" 143 kB  2009-01-01

The purpose of this document is to show the efficiency of the “Conceptual system”, explaining to the reader a very specific concept of mathematics, the "Nilpotent element" (and also a much simpler, "Sedan-coupé"). By contrast, the reader can try to find a mathematician and ask him to explain this concept –assuming he has knowledge of it– with the traditional resources, even taking twice, four times or ten times longer than the time needed to read this document (half an hour). Furthermore, most of this document does not address this concept, but introduces the reader to some basic aspects of the conceptual system, aspects common to any concept. Other similar examples of this comprehensive efficiency can be found
Forma.pdf” (=Shape), in “Demostracions de Física i Química” (=Demonstrations in Physics and Chemistry), and in the third part of Triptic” (“L’ús, dels diccionaris: Ludoteca, Botànica i Signatura”) (="Triptych". The use of dictionaries: Toy library, Botany and Signature).

(=Demonstrations of physical and chemical) "DemoFisicaQuimicaCAS.pdf" (castellano/ español)  520 kB  2000 

The “Momentum (of a force)" is one of the most basic concepts of physics, one of the first studied and most easily applied (in classical mechanics). But even with its use repeated and correct you are able to conceptualize it incorrectly. The problem is even worse because the concept of "Moment" is also used incorrectly conceptualized in theoretical physics, as well as in quantum mechanics.

Thermodynamics. Years ago, reflecting on the “Conceptual system”, Ferran* complained to me about the fact that his students came to his course on "Materials" without knowing Thermodynamics, which finally made him decided to do a review at the beginning of every course. And, after improving it again and again, he managed to reduce it to a one hour review only. ¿Reviewing a poorly understood one year course in only one hour?: Ferran had intuitively applied methodologies of the conceptual system to thermodynamic concepts. ¿What educational efficiency can be given to a comprehensive methodology, such as the “Conceptual system”, that in the space of an hour, allows to improve the understanding of a one year subject of formulas and integral calculus?

Dosimetry (in
Ionising radiations; Hygiene of the ionising radiations and radiological protection), and others

* See "Mi amigo Carles.pdf" (=My Friend Carles) in "Proposal", in this Website

ELS DRETS DELS NENS (=Children's rights) Els drets dels nens.pdf  1650 kB  2008, febrer

This document was written in a fortuitous way, when the creation of this website coincided with the pregnancy of somebody close to me, as well as with the meeting of a team of highly expert professionals. It might seem like it «extends the boundaries» of this website, but it has been included because it is a good integrating element and a good introductory point to the subject of knowledge, a motivating entrance, given that our first contact with knowledge started when we were very young.

All these rights have never been integrated, they are always fractioned (UN/UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO, ...), often expressed ambiguously, not very explicitly. Also, they have always been formulated by adults, not by the own protagonists, the children. We try to rectify all this in this document.

In the “Introduction” we have already talked about the great anachronism of our civilization, which is the «great ignorance about our own processes of knowledge». This means that we have many education and learning deficiencies. But, at the same time, there are also often mistakes and/or ignorance of the most basic primary* processes, like giving birth and/or breastfeeding (and in food hygiene in general).

The document highlights the complexity of the individual, his/her training and education, and the idea that this process should never be trivialized with recipes/protocols/curricula of any type, but prioritizing the instincts (like the common sense in general and the maternal/paternal instinct in particular), the expertness (which not everybody has) and the interdisciplinary methodologies.

We recommend to first read the following three documents, which are easy enough to read the first time and can be read more in depth a second time: “Què és la intel·ligència?” (=
What is intelligence?) “Què és la conscienciació?” (=What is consciousnness?) i “El kerigma del pensament” (The kerygma of thought).


Lately (July 2008) we have added a report on breastfeeding for three reasons:

it shows the scientific background behind this document, in this case the paragraphs about breastfeeding, with many studies, scientific commitees and resolutions made by WHO;
- it shows the already mentioned little existing knowledge on these subjects, even within organisations dedicated to Health;
- aprovides an example, not usual, of political responsibility and of the positive consequences that can derive from it.

We have also added the references to a recent article on breastfeeding (Public Library of Sciences; Computational Biology; "Emergent Synchronous Bursting of Oxytocin Neuronal Network" de E. ROSSONI, J. FENG, et allii, 2008-08-18), because it shows unequivocally what this document and other documents in this website assume, which is that the physiological functioning is assisted/managed using symbolic/information «mechanisms» of the type (-M, +S), as expressed in the first page that follows («I only understand about the information structures that characterize life, which are the genetic, the hormonal/immunological and the psychic ones»). Therefore, it is understandable that a premature newborn puts on weight faster and his/her probabilities of survival increase if he/she is fed in the arms and «skin against skin» with another person, rather than just incubated in an incubator.

(=What is Intelligence?Intelligencia.pdf394 kB 2008-02-05

Easy, brief (25 pages) and an entertaining presentation of what intelligence is, of its characteristics, its intuitive bases and its limiting conditionning factors, but also of many errors that surround this «magical» faculty (error like the one made by the «Science» magazine, explained more in detail in the document «What isn’t intelligence?
[.0] and «Stupidity. The 'zero' principle of psychology [.37]").

The «trap» that explains its briefness and its accessibility is that the document refers repeatedly to contents of other documents (on
conscienciació =the consciousnness, kerigma del pensament =the kerygma of thought, classificació dels sistemes =the classification of systems, l’exactitud =the exactness, ...), which one needs to review if we want to deepen our understanding of this «magical» faculty. 

QUÈ ÉS LA CONSCIENCIACIÓ? (=What is Consciousnness?) Conscienciacio.pdf2071 kB  2007-09-28

The consciousnness is «a self-application complexation of the feelings», which among other applications, provides support to the levels of thought. This very brief definition contrasts with the difficulties in understanding this concept and the usual confusion that it creates.

The missunderstandings surrounding this concept (like the one made by the
Science”, magazine, mentioned at the beginning of this document) makes necessary a detailed «in extenso» explanation (71 pages) about what consciousnness is, in order to clarify any misunderstandings and to avoid new ones.

Today it is common to hear such sincere comments like
«We (the scientists) don’t know what consciousnness is. We say that we are aware beings, but we cannot exactly say what it means» (S. ZEKI). Now the reader will be able to read the first document which explains this concept and be one of the first ones to know what it means.

We explain also briefly the faculties that allow to develop mathematics –for some, one the most important questions to be solved in the scientific field– and the functioning of podal reflexology, another phenomenon also accepted, but not explained to this date.

In this document, there are other referenced documents which are easier to read provided this one has been understood before "El kerigma del pensament"
(=The kerygma of thought), ...

EL KERIGMA DEL PENSAMENT (=The kerygma of ThoughtKerigma pensament.pdf”  1136 kB  2007-04-12

It describes the cognitive evolution of the child, and we all have been children before. It is like a person’s intellectual biography.

The thought is a complex thing. It is made of four structural levels, from different previous faculties: sensations, sensitizations and little consciousnness processes (called «local») and also, of a previous level or «level zero» (the «sensitive identification», audio and tactile, from the latest months of the foetus; and visual, from the first months of the newborn. The first two levels are of conceptualization, the simple/sensitive and the composed/virtual, the first basic difference, ignored by linguistics, but substantial for the newborn

The knowledge is the third structural level of thought. And, as mentioned in the
"Introduction" section, the knowledge is a big unknown (it is the «leit motiv» of this website). And this is without taking into account the derived extrinsic levels, the reasoning and the logic

The reader will be able to be one of the first to know that knowledge and thought («kerygma»: announcement and solemn diffusion of an important fact, in this case, the functioning of our thought).

It also introduces intrinsic semantics, a new discipline that intersects with mathematics and psychology, without which it is not possible to make science of knowledge in a serious way.

This document must be considered as a synthesis (2007) of all the previous documents written since 1995. It is dense to read, however, despite certain parts, it is fairly easy to understand. If we establish a proportion with the 70 pages of «What is consciousnness?» —a self-application complexation between two levels, the departure one (feelings, sensations) and the resulting one (the consciousnness)— it would take 500 or more pages to explain in a similar detail the 5 levels that intervene in thought.

There are other documents to which we refer to in this document.

(=The exactness of Sciences) Exactitud ciencies complet.pdf  504 kB  2007-03-06

It talks about the exactness theme, which is a source of omnipresent mistakes.

Compiled at the beginning of 2007 from previous notes taken a few years back (2002). Luckily, it had been registered before strong criticisms against the genomic research were made by the same researchers and published in the «Science» and «Nature» magazines. 

I say «luckily» (see correspondence in the «Appendices» of this document) because these criticisms had already been raised years before as a consequence of the study of the Conceptual System and of the symbolic systems as a symbolic support of the psyche, which proves the scope and the applicability of this theory. Even more, it indicates the direction to which the research of the genome should head in the future not to make the same mistakes, mistakes that have been accompanying the genetics science since its beginnings, one and a half centuries ago with MENDEL’s ignorance, through SUTTON’s and others’ contempt, to WATSON’s, CRICK’s and WILKINS’ alleged plagiarism (including the absurd macho and racist conclusions made by the first, commented on extensively in
Què és la Intel·ligència” (=What is intelligence?)

This writing makes profound reflections on the current status and trends within genetics and theoretical physics research, and also on the attitudes of linguistics and mathematical logic.’

In this writing we refer to other documents which are easier to read, if this one has previously been understood, especially “La teoria holística” (=The holistic theory).

This document was also written as a tribute to the «BOURBAKI» association, as explained in the letter contained in the «Appendices» of this document. 

DUALITAT ALGEBRAICA (=Algebraic duality, extracts) Dualitatalgebraica.pdf  114 kB

We attach some extracts from different documents, which will allow the lector to have a brief knowledge of this concept of «Algebraic Duality» and to realise its importance outside the scope of mathematics (genetics, thought, language, ...).

(=Systems typology (±M, ±S, ±N) and TreeSistemes.pdf  272 kB

To represent anything –either real or virtual– as a part of an adequate system is the first condition to be able to treat it scientifically.

The second one is to consider the intrinsic type of the system to which it belongs, because every intrinsic type of system requires a specific methodological treatment, and when this is not done correctly, failure is inevitable. Even though it seems impossible, this very simple and basic mistake, is the usual cause of traps and failures in science

¿Which is this typology? The following extracts and «collages» of writings on this website explain it briefly.


We cannot make a BERTALANFFY "Teoria general de sistemes" (=General theory of systems) swithout taking into account either the previous typology or the continuity (and the methodological transfers) of the «Tree of existential systems».

Often, books like mathematics or physics books start by telling you what concepts you need to know before you read them, or they even sometimes explain these concepts briefly. However, before writing how the knowledge and thought processes work, I thought it was necessary to explain the difference between the different system typologies.

LI was later surprised. Firstly, because I found out that this was not written anywhere. Secondly, because I realised that this was a repeatedly useful criterion to understand and solve important problems daily (or rather, to avoid falling into them in the first place). Even though there can be some inaccuracies and even some mistakes, I think it is useful to reproduce the initial text for its heuristic approximation value.


(="In extenso" Memory of the patent
WO 03 054835 A2  (P 2001 02870 2001-12-21, 13 h 05’. PCT/ ES02/ 00618 (UEuropean, USA); 2002-12-02)  Memoria patente.pdf1332 kB

Complete memory (in Castilian/ Spanish language), before being summarised and adapted to the legal format. It explains the theoretical foundations of the intrinsic and exact Conceptual System and also the most basic procedures of the software simulation of the cognitive thought processes.

The non-existence of strictly interdisciplinary magazines (there are some that publish articles of any scientific discipline, but this is a very different thing) and the impossibility of publishing an article of such dimensions (18 000 words), made the request of a patent the safest way and with the best guarantees to leave public proof of the functioning of the cognitive and thought processes. And, at the same time, to ensure the authors’ rights of the discoveries (taking into account the different information transmissions made and the very common/usual appropriations and plagiarisms.

Furthermore, the patience of the patent engineer (J. JUNCOSA) led to a tidy, comprehensive and fully understandable explanation to the reader, which hadn’t previously been raised.

LES RELACIONS DEL LLENGUATGE (=The language relationshipRelacions.pdf1442 kB)  1996

Extensive and detailed inventory (still to be finalised) of the relationships used by thought and language, whether intrinsic (directly associated to the cognitive and perceptive faculties) or extrinsic. Without these we could not understand each other or build any knowledge.

This contrasts with its ignorance within the field of education and/or its misuse within the scientific field, which leads often to errors (see for instance the sufficient condition and the necessary condition in “Què és la intel·ligència?” (=What is intelligence?), the polysemy caused by the crash of the Mars probe in “Els simbolismes pre-materials...” or in “L’exactitud a les ciències” (=The exactness of Sciences), etc., etc., etc.)

Its obvious and detailed character can make its reading boring (the reader can imagine how hard it is to write it and why it is still unfinished).

Many documents written afterwards incorporate a summary of it:  “El kerigma del pensament
(=The kerygma of thought), “Memoria in extenso de la patente WO 03 054835 A2” (=In extenso memory of the patent WO 03 054835 A2), El código del lenguaje (=The code of language), ...

NOTE: "DU" (=Universal Dictionary) was the initial name given to the Conceptual system in 1995, and DICUC the name of the corresponding software simulator.

BREVES COMENTARIOS A LA ESTRUCTURA SIMBÓLICA INTRÍNSECA DEL PENSAMIENTO  (=Brief comments over the intrinsic symbolic structure of human thought) "Breves comentarios.pdf"   85 kB 1999-05-20

Partial summary, translated into English, addressed to two well-known North-American scientists.

It includes the intrinsic definition of «Curriculum»

ALGUNS ERRORS BÀSICS/ CONCEPTUALS EN L'ESTUDI DEL LLENGUATGE (“TRÍPTIC”).  CASOS DEL CATALÀ I CASTELLÀ, I DE L'ANGLÈS, FRANCÈS, I ALEMANY. (=Some basic/ conceptual errors in the study of language ["Triptych"]. Catalan and Castilian cases, and also English, French and German)  Triptic.pdf1166 kB  1998-11-11

This writing points out some serious errors which language incurs in basic areas, which causes them to be dragged across the whole of the linguistics. It is inevitably long, so that it is not seen as a mere affirmation –which some could deliberately transform into a «simple opinion of a profane»-, but as an unequivocal 
statement of the arbitrariness and lack of rigor often displayed by this discipline. And all of this endorsed by the language dictionaries.

A surprising error is to mistakenly allocate the names of the most basic process of communication: the linguistic interpretation, with the exchange between «meaning» and «signifier». With such errors it is not surprising that traditional linguistics is incapable of treating correctly the semantic aspects of the conceptuation process or the semiologic aspects of the terminology and understanding what grammar or syntax are, strictly speaking, beyond the arbitrary and whimsical current conventions.

In the case of English, we take advantage of an allegedly scientific text, used by a prestigious North-American university within the field of linguistics and knowledge, to give a clear example of functional illiteracy (of mechanical writing, without expressing the thoughts intelligibly). Conscious that it would be difficult to publish it within the Catalan or Castilian environment and that it would hurt the sensibilities of many, I registered it and kept it to myself. Unfortunately, when I wrote it I still didn’t know about the SOKAL affair (and the book derived from it with BRICKMONT) which pointed towards the same and would have possibly encouraged me to act in a different way and/or to be even clearer or more assertive.

Another serious mistake is the omnipresent polysemy. The detailed treatment of concepts like Polysemy, Homosemy or Polyhomosemy (=Homo-poly-semy =Homo-poly-denomination =Poly-homo-denomination) is not to be egocentrical, but necessary to make the reader think about it.

In the third part «The use of dictionaries...» states the low level and the lack of quality control of teaching and the material used (books). On the contrary, it states the efficiency of the conceptual system if you take into consideration the speed of learning and the acquisition of new concepts and knowledge, as well as the quality of the understanding, which is spectacularly multiplied (see «Applications» →
"Autoaprenentatge..." (=Self-learning...).

In front of such a dramatic and ignored panorama, I thought it would be necessary to write this document to point out all these errors. Later, I wrote the «Introduction», which frames this pitiful cultural situation (from this Introduction stems what I later called the «Zero Principle» of psychology, of semiology, of semantics, of pedagogy, ...).


When finding out about the methodologies of the Conceptual System, a good friend of mine (J. BONAVENTURA) proposed to me in 1997 to try to analyse and find a solution to one of the ancestral problems that has been affecting the Catalan language for many years, because he trusted I could find one and he thought this would make linguists consider seriously this new linguistic perspective.

The first thing was to find a solution, which I was successful at, but the second step never happened. The problem was that the solution came from the grammar and syntax fields, and even the semantic field, but laid within the phenomenological perception and the intrinsic semiology areas, which are unknown disciplines to linguists and, consequently, invisible to them (some of them even told me that I only copied the Castilian uses). The reality of the problem is that «For» and «To» establish an almost-polysemy (or almost homo-denomination, which is the same, see «Triptych»), that is rejected by the intuitiveness and the semiological faculties of our psyche, leading to two types of reaction:

- adopting a clearly distinctive expression, as it’s commonly done with "per tal de" (=in order to), instead of "per a" (=for), to differentiate it unequivocally from "per" (=to), because their differences are intuitive and, therefore, it is necessary to differentiate them if we want to speak correctly. The problem is that it is too long and it contradicts the trend of the language of being economical;
- trivializing the problem and leaning towards a total polysemy (erasing the «a» of «per a» before the infinitive) in the more Castilianised/more deteriorated areas (like the metropolitan Catalonia).

P. FABRA did not have the time to study in depth this problem, but intuitively he did not make it worse. J. SOLÀ (who didn’t even answer when I sent to him the text) stubbornly defended for many years the trivialization (the «COROMINAS norm»), until years later, not long ago, he had to give up on his positions, because they were indefendable.

In any case it was surprising to see how incomplete were the analysis of these two expressions made until then, with common uses, mentioned in this document, but that I was unable to find in any of the books or published articles that I consulted.

The work proves that, without going in depth into the intrinsic semiology (well before intrinsic semantics) it is pointless to treat the roots of the linguistic problems (and that is why linguistics is where it is...).

Wolfgang ISER ("ISER.pdf" 62 kB) 2006-08-14

This document can help linguists and philosophers to locate the Conceptual System according to their professional knowledge and/ or known references within these areas.

This document results from the fortuitous knowledge of the work of this Germanic linguist, via a neighbour of his in Allensbach (Konstanz). Clearly influenced by the premises of the «second one» WITTGENSTEIN -like for instance in their «leerstellen»- I tried to contact ISER to let him know how the problem could be treated from the semiology and intrinsic semantic. Because of his old age, and because of two unwelcome falls two weeks later, he then died as a consequence of these falls before I had the chance to meet him.

Thanks to the references to different linguists, scientists and/or philosophers, the summary (in Castilian) also gives a summarized vision of generic applications, like the Universal science postulated by LEIBNITZ, or specific ones, like to achieve what the «first one», WITTGENSTEIN, wanted. 

EL CÓDIGO DEL LENGUAJE (=The code of languageCodigo.pdf  557 kB  2001 febrero

This is an attempt (in Castilian) to write an approachable document to spread the parallelism between genetic structuring and the structuring of the positional numeric systems and their easy and useful extension to the language of human thought.

Memòria “in extenso” de la patent “WO 03 054835 A2” (=’In extenso’ memory of the patent WO 03 054835 A2) and El Kerigma del pensament” (=The kerygma of thought) summarize some parts of this document «The code of language); that is, this document is, because of the subjects treated, a more detailed presentation, ‘in extenso’, and therefore, it is easier to follow than the memory of the patent, but, on the other hand, it is longern.

It includes different appendices which reflect on the grammar, the syntax, the semiology, the semantics, the psychology, the imprompt , the intelligence, the mathematical pedagogy, the logic and the axiomatic, the universal science and the linguistic convergence.

(=Relational marketingMarketingRela.pdf
  300 kB  2003-03-31

Following Joan VIÑAS i COT’s suggestion and from the perspective of the Conceptual system, we made an analysis of the book «Relational Marketing» by P. J. REINARES y J. M. PONZOA, highly valued in its day.

Despite my non-existent previous knowledge in this field, I was able to read it quickly and to reduce it to limited cognitive elements (concepts and relationships), detecting inconsistencies and shortcomings, as well as some useless pages.


When reading the book “Microcosm” I came to understand that some intutions illustrating the structure of thought were correct, and some were incorrect. This structure had been established in detail a few years before ("El kerigma del pensament" [=The kerigma of thought] is a dense summary written afterwards)

Despite its conciliatory tone, my friend Ferran (see "AmigoCarles.pdf" [=My friend Carles]) advised me not to publish it at the time, due to the possible reactions that it may cause, and even more so because of the adulated figure of EINSTEIN*.

* It is not my case, absolutely not, especially knowing his exacerbated and unjustifiable macho attitude and the evidence of his reiterated plagiarisms.

Today its interest has been reduced by other documents available to the general public, which I have already written on the subject, but it has historical value. For example, the “Wisdom of nature” is treated based in the “Transfer of methodological elements amongst structural systems”, a very specific base which avoids the easy temptation of “superior” approaches.

Furthermore, I consider that today, if this writing style may upset some people, it is only to those lacking curiosity, critical sense and interest to learn.